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This post is about the inst branch of Overtone that I’m working on. The goal is to split up some of the functionality of the currenty synth and defsynth functions. Instead we will have a low-level synth interface, and a higher level instrument interface. Instruments are automatically added to the session when they are defined, and they will return back a player function. Calling an instrument function triggers the underlying synth.

  ; View a full sample waveform
  (def s (load-sample "/home/rosejn/studio/samples/kit/boom.wav"))
  (scope-buf s)

  ; view a live waveform
  (def b (buffer 2048))
  (defsynth foo [out-bus 20] (out out-bus (sin-osc 400)))
  (foo)           ; output a sine wave onto bus 20
  (bus->buf 20 b) ; record signal from bus 20 into buffer b, looping
  (scope-buf b)   
  (scope-on)      ; enjoy
  (scope-off)     ; stop live updates