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–> Reporting Issues

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Emacs Live weaves together a lot of different functionality, and while a lot of care has been taken to ensure a seamless union, no code is error free. If you have found some behaviour that you think is incorrect, then please consider submitting a GitHub Issue. The following should help you make the issue report as useful as possible.

–> Ensure you’re using a supported version of Emacs

Emacs Live requires Emacs 24+ so please ensure your emacs version is high enough. You can get the current version of Emacs with M-x emacs-version.

–> Remove any pre-compiled code

Sometimes errors can occur because there’s a mismatch between some pre-compiled code and the normal elisp code. You should therefore remove any pre-compiled code to verify that this isn’t the cause of the issue. On Linux/Max OS X this can be achieved with:

rm -rf ~/.emacs.d/**/*.elc

–> Emacs Live Safe Mode

Before submitting your issue, please try to reproduce it in safe mode. This can be entered by starting emacs with the safe mode flag:

emacs --live-safe-mode

This will then only load the default packs. If the error no longer occurs, then the problem is probably in a pack that you are loading yourself. If it still occurs, then it’s a bug in Emacs Live.

–> Obtain a stack trace

If the error occurs during start up, then you should start Emacs in debug mode to get a full stack trace of the error:

emacs --debug-init

–> Writing a good issue report

Here are some guidelines which can help your issue be tracked and dealt with quickly and effectively:

–> Thank You

Thanks for spending the time to write a good issue report. Your time makes it easier to find and fix the issues resulting with better software for everyone.

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